Codeception for Phalcon


Install Codeception the Phalcon module and optional dependencies via Composer:

composer require codeception/codeception codeception/module-phalcon4 codeception/module-phpbrowser codeception/module-asserts --dev


It is easy to setup tests by running bootstrap command:

vendor/bin/codecept bootstrap

This will create tests directory and configuration file codeception.yml. This also prepares 3 suites for testing: unit, functional and acceptance.

Unit Testing

Add Phalcon to your unit test by adding the following to your unit.suite.yml:

# Codeception Test Suite Configuration
# Suite for unit or integration tests.

actor: UnitTester
        - Asserts
        - \Helper\Unit
        - Phalcon4:
          bootstrap: public/index.php
          cleanup: true
          savepoints: true
    step_decorators: ~

To generate a plain PHPUnit test for class Users, run:

vendor/bin/codecept g:test unit Users

Actions of the Phalcon module will be accessible from $this->tester inside a test of Codeception\Test\Unit.

Continue to Unit Testing Guide ».

Functional Tests

When it comes to test real features of web applications you can’t go with unit testing only. You want to test how application handles the requests, what responses it provides, what data is saved to database and so on. To test application in near user environment but without launching real webserver or a browser you can use functional tests. They are far more simpler than unit tests in a way they are written. They describe interaction scenario in a simple DSL so you don’t need to deal with application directly but describe actions from a user’s perspective.

Enable Phalcon for your Functional tests first:

# Codeception Test Suite Configuration
# Suite for functional tests
# Emulate web requests and make application process them
# Include one of framework modules (Symfony2, Yii2, Laravel5, Phalcon4) to use it
# Remove this suite if you don't use frameworks

actor: FunctionalTester
        # add a framework module here
        - \Helper\Functional
        - Phalcon4:
          bootstrap: public/index.php
          cleanup: true
          savepoints: true
    step_decorators: ~        

Then use Cest or Cept to create a test.

vendor/bin/codecept g:cest functional Login

Then add your test case


class LoginCest
    public function _before(FunctionalTester $I)

    // tests
    public function tryToTest(FunctionalTester $I)
        $I->wantTo('login as regular user');
        $I->click('Log In/Sign Up');
        $I->see('Log In', "//*[@id='login-header']");
        $I->see("Don't have an account yet?", "//*[@id='signup-header']");
        $I->fillField('email',    '[email protected]');
        $I->fillField('password', 'phalcon');
        $I->see('Welcome Phalcon Demo');
        $I->seeLink('Log Out');

Acceptance Testing

Sample configuration of tests/acceptance.suite.yml:

class_name: AcceptanceTester
        - WebDriver:
            url: 'https://localhost/' # put your local url
            browser: chrome
        - \Helper\Acceptance            

Browser can be specified as chrome, firefox, phantomjs, or others.

To create a sample test called, run:

vendor/bin/codecept g:cest acceptance Login

This will create the file tests/acceptance/LoginCest.php. Each method of a class (except _before and _after) is a test. Tests use $I object (instance of AcceptanceTester class) to perform actions on a webpage. Methods of AcceptanceTester are proxified to corresponding modules, which in current case is WebDriver.

To run the tests you will need chrome browser, selenium server running. If this requirements met acceptance tests can be executed as

vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance


If you prefer to describe application with feature files, Codeception can turn them to acceptance tests. It is recommended to store feature files in features directory (like Behat does it) but symlinking it to tests/acceptance/features so they can be treated as tests too.

ln -s $PWD/features tests/acceptance

Codeception allows to combine tests written in different formats. If you are about to write a regression test it probably should not be described as a product’s feature. That’s why feature-files are a subset of all acceptance tests, and they are stored in subfolder of tests/acceptance.

There are no standard Gherkin steps built in. By writing your feature files you can get code snippets which should be added to AcceptanceTester class.

vendor/bin/codecept gherkin:snippets

API Tests

API Tests are done at functional testing level but instead of testing HTML responses on user actions, they test requests and responses via protocols like REST or SOAP. To create api tests, you should create a suite for them:

vendor/bin/codecept g:suite api

You will need to enable REST and Phalcon module in tests/api.suite.yml:

class_name: ApiTester
        - Phalcon4:
            bootstrap: public/index.php
            cleanup: true
            savepoints: true
        - REST:
            url: /v1
            depends: Phalcon4
        - \Helper\Api

Phalcon module actions like amOnPage or see should not be available for testing API. This is why Phalcon module is not enabled but declared with depends for REST module. But Phalcon module should be configured to load Kernel class from app_path.

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