Testomatio - Test Management for Codeception
composer require --dev codeception/module-amqp
This module interacts with message broker software that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) standard. For example, RabbitMQ (tested).
host: 'localhost'
port: '5672'
username: 'guest'
password: 'guest'
vhost: '/'
queues: [queue1, queue2]
single_channel: false
param string
$queueparam string
$exchangeparam string
$routing_keyparam bool
$nowaitparam ?array
$argumentsparam ?int
$ticketreturn mixed
Binds a queue to an exchange
This is an alias of method queue_bind
of PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AMQPChannel
'nameOfMyQueueToBind', // name of the queue
'transactionTracking.transaction', // exchange name to bind to
'your.routing.key' // Optionally, provide a binding key
param string
$exchangeparam string
$typeparam bool
$passiveparam bool
$durableparam bool
$auto_deleteparam bool
$internalparam bool
$nowaitparam ?array
$argumentsparam ?int
$ticketreturn mixed
Declares an exchange
This is an alias of method exchange_declare
of PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AMQPChannel
'nameOfMyExchange', // exchange name
'topic' // exchange type
param string
$queueparam bool
$passiveparam bool
$durableparam bool
$exclusiveparam bool
$auto_deleteparam bool
$nowaitparam ?array
$argumentsparam ?int
$ticketreturn mixed
Declares queue, creates if needed
This is an alias of method queue_declare
of PhpAmqpLib\Channel\AMQPChannel
'nameOfMyQueue', // exchange name
param string
$queuereturn void
Checks if queue is not empty.
$I->pushToQueue('queue.emails', 'Hello, davert');
param string
$queuereturn ?\PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage
Takes last message from queue.
$message = $I->grabMessageFromQueue('queue.emails');
return void
Purge all queues defined in config.
param string
$queueNamereturn void
Purge a specific queue defined in config.
param string
$exchangeparam \PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage|string
$messageparam ?string
$routing_keyreturn void
Sends message to exchange by sending exchange name, message and (optionally) a routing key
$I->pushToExchange('exchange.emails', 'thanks');
$I->pushToExchange('exchange.emails', new AMQPMessage('Thanks!'));
$I->pushToExchange('exchange.emails', new AMQPMessage('Thanks!'), 'severity');
param string
$queueparam \PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage|string
$messagereturn void
Sends message to queue
$I->pushToQueue('queue.jobs', 'create user');
$I->pushToQueue('queue.jobs', new AMQPMessage('create'));
param string
$queuereturn void
Add a queue to purge list
param string
$queueparam string
$textreturn void
Checks if message containing text received.
This method drops message from queue This method will wait for message. If none is sent the script will stuck.
$I->pushToQueue('queue.emails', 'Hello, davert');
param string
$queueparam int
$expectedreturn void
Checks that queue have expected number of message
$I->pushToQueue('queue.emails', 'Hello, davert');
param string
$queuereturn void
Checks that queue is empty
$I->pushToQueue('queue.emails', 'Hello, davert');