
Console Commands


Creates default config, tests directory and sample suites for current project. Use this command to start building a test suite.

By default it will create 3 suites Acceptance, Functional, and Unit.

  • codecept bootstrap - creates tests dir and codeception.yml in current dir.
  • codecept bootstrap --empty - creates tests dir without suites
  • codecept bootstrap --namespace Frontend - creates tests, and use Frontend namespace for actor classes and helpers.
  • codecept bootstrap --actor Wizard - sets actor as Wizard, to have TestWizard actor in tests.
  • codecept bootstrap path/to/the/project - provide different path to a project, where tests should be placed



Recursively cleans output directory and generated code.

  • codecept clean


Auto-updates phar archive from official site: ‘’ .

  • php codecept.phar self-update

@author Franck Cassedanne [email protected]


Generates PageObject. Can be generated either globally, or just for one suite. If PageObject is generated globally it will act as UIMap, without any logic in it.

  • codecept g:page Login
  • codecept g:page Registration
  • codecept g:page acceptance Login


Prints all steps from all Gherkin contexts for a specific suite

codecept gherkin:steps acceptance


Generates Actor classes (initially Guy classes) from suite configs. Starting from Codeception 2.0 actor classes are auto-generated. Use this command to generate them manually.

  • codecept build
  • codecept build path/to/project


Generates Cest (scenario-driven object-oriented test) file:

  • codecept generate:cest suite Login
  • codecept g:cest suite subdir/subdir/testnameCest.php
  • codecept g:cest suite LoginCest -c path/to/project
  • codecept g:cest "App\Login"


Creates empty Helper class.

  • codecept g:helper MyHelper
  • codecept g:helper "My\Helper"


Generates empty environment configuration file into envs dir:

  • codecept g:env firefox

Required to have envs path to be specified in codeception.yml


Create new test suite. Requires suite name and actor name

  • ``
  • codecept g:suite api -> api + ApiTester
  • codecept g:suite integration Code -> integration + CodeTester
  • codecept g:suite frontend Front -> frontend + FrontTester


Try to execute test commands in run-time. You may try commands before writing the test.

  • codecept console acceptance - starts acceptance suite environment. If you use WebDriver you can manipulate browser with Codeception commands.


Generates user-friendly text scenarios from scenario-driven tests (Cest).

  • codecept g:scenarios acceptance - for all acceptance tests
  • codecept g:scenarios acceptance --format html - in html format
  • codecept g:scenarios acceptance --path doc - generate scenarios to doc dir


Creates empty GroupObject - extension which handles all group events.

  • codecept g:group Admin


Generates code snippets for matched feature files in a suite. Code snippets are expected to be implemented in Actor or PageObjects


  • codecept gherkin:snippets acceptance - snippets from all feature of acceptance tests
  • codecept gherkin:snippets acceptance/feature/users - snippets from feature/users dir of acceptance tests
  • codecept gherkin:snippets acceptance user_account.feature - snippets from a single feature file
  • codecept gherkin:snippets acceptance/feature/users/user_accout.feature - snippets from feature file in a dir


Shows step by step execution process for scenario driven tests without actually running them.

  • codecept dry-run acceptance
  • codecept dry-run acceptance MyCest
  • codecept dry-run acceptance checkout.feature
  • codecept dry-run tests/acceptance/MyCest.php


Validates and prints Codeception config. Use it do debug Yaml configs

Check config:

  • codecept config: check global config
  • codecept config unit: check suite config

Load config:

  • codecept config:validate -c path/to/another/config: from another dir
  • codecept config:validate -c another_config.yml: from another config file

Check overriding config values (like in run command)

  • codecept config:validate -o "settings: shuffle: true": enable shuffle
  • codecept config:validate -o "settings: lint: false": disable linting
  • codecept config:validate -o "reporters: report: \Custom\Reporter" --report: use custom reporter


Generates Snapshot. Snapshot can be used to test dynamical data. If suite name is provided, an actor class will be included into placeholder

  • codecept g:snapshot UserEmails
  • codecept g:snapshot Products
  • codecept g:snapshot acceptance UserEmails


Executes tests.


  • codecept run acceptance: run all acceptance tests
  • codecept run tests/acceptance/MyCest.php: run only MyCest
  • codecept run acceptance MyCest: same as above
  • codecept run acceptance MyCest:myTestInIt: run one test from a Cest
  • codecept run acceptance MyCest:myTestInIt#1: run one example or data provider item by number
  • codecept run acceptance MyCest:myTestInIt#1-3: run a range of examples or data provider items
  • codecept run acceptance MyCest:myTestInIt@name.*: run data provider items with matching names
  • codecept run acceptance checkout.feature: run feature-file
  • codecept run acceptance -g slow: run tests from slow group
  • codecept run unit,functional: run only unit and functional suites

Verbosity modes:

  • codecept run -v:
  • codecept run --steps: print step-by-step execution
  • codecept run -vv: print steps and debug information
  • codecept run --debug: alias for -vv
  • codecept run -vvv: print Codeception-internal debug information

Load config:

  • codecept run -c path/to/another/config: from another dir
  • codecept run -c another_config.yml: from another config file

Override config values:

  • codecept run -o "settings: shuffle: true": enable shuffle
  • codecept run -o "settings: lint: false": disable linting

Run with specific extension

  • codecept run --ext Recorder run with Recorder extension enabled
  • codecept run --ext DotReporter run with DotReporter printer
  • codecept run --ext "My\Custom\Extension" run with an extension loaded by class name

Full reference:

 suite                 suite to be tested
 test                  test to be run

 -o, --override=OVERRIDE Override config values (multiple values allowed)
 --config (-c)         Use custom path for config
 --report              Show output in compact style
 --html                Generate html with results (default: "report.html")
 --xml                 Generate JUnit XML Log (default: "report.xml")
 --phpunit-xml         Generate PhpUnit XML Log (default: "phpunit-report.xml")
 --no-redirect         Do not redirect to Composer-installed version in vendor/codeception
 --colors              Use colors in output
 --no-colors           Force no colors in output (useful to override config file)
 --silent              Only outputs suite names and final results. Almost the same as `--quiet`
 --steps               Show steps in output
 --debug (-d)          Alias for `-vv`
 --bootstrap           Execute bootstrap script before the test
 --coverage            Run with code coverage (default: "coverage.serialized")
 --coverage-html       Generate CodeCoverage HTML report in path (default: "coverage")
 --coverage-xml        Generate CodeCoverage XML report in file (default: "coverage.xml")
 --coverage-text       Generate CodeCoverage text report in file (default: "coverage.txt")
 --coverage-phpunit    Generate CodeCoverage PHPUnit report in file (default: "coverage-phpunit")
 --coverage-cobertura  Generate CodeCoverage Cobertura report in file (default: "coverage-cobertura")
 --no-exit             Don't finish with exit code
 --group (-g)          Groups of tests to be executed (multiple values allowed)
 --skip (-s)           Skip selected suites (multiple values allowed)
 --skip-group (-x)     Skip selected groups (multiple values allowed)
 --env                 Run tests in selected environments. (multiple values allowed, environments can be merged with ',')
 --fail-fast (-f)      Stop after nth failure (defaults to 1)
 --no-rebuild          Do not rebuild actor classes on start
 --help (-h)           Display this help message.
 --quiet (-q)          Do not output any message. Almost the same as `--silent`
 --verbose (-v|vv|vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages: `v` for normal output, `vv` for steps and debug, `vvv` for Codeception-internal debug
 --version (-V)        Display this application version.
 --ansi                Force ANSI output.
 --no-ansi             Disable ANSI output.
 --no-interaction (-n) Do not ask any interactive question.
 --seed                Use the given seed for shuffling tests


Generates skeleton for Unit Test that extends Codeception\TestCase\Test.

  • codecept g:test unit User
  • codecept g:test unit "App\User"


Generates StepObject class. You will be asked for steps you want to implement.

  • codecept g:stepobject acceptance AdminSteps
  • codecept g:stepobject acceptance UserSteps --silent - skip action questions


Generates Feature file (in Gherkin):

  • codecept generate:feature suite Login
  • codecept g:feature suite subdir/subdir/login.feature
  • codecept g:feature suite login.feature -c path/to/project


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