
Console Commands


Prints all steps from all Gherkin contexts for a specific suite

codecept gherkin:steps acceptance


Shows step-by-step execution process for scenario driven tests without actually running them.

  • codecept dry-run acceptance
  • codecept dry-run acceptance MyCest
  • codecept dry-run acceptance checkout.feature
  • codecept dry-run tests/acceptance/MyCest.php



Generates Cest (scenario-driven object-oriented test) file:

  • codecept generate:cest suite Login
  • codecept g:cest suite subdir/subdir/testnameCest.php
  • codecept g:cest suite LoginCest -c path/to/project
  • codecept g:cest "App\Login"


Auto-updates phar archive from official site: ‘’ .

  • php codecept.phar self-update

@author Franck Cassedanne [email protected]


Generates skeleton for Unit Test that extends Codeception\TestCase\Test.

  • codecept g:test unit User
  • codecept g:test unit "App\User"


Creates empty GroupObject - extension which handles all group events.

  • codecept g:group Admin


Executes tests.


  • codecept run acceptance: run all acceptance tests
  • codecept run tests/acceptance/MyCest.php: run only MyCest
  • codecept run acceptance MyCest: same as above
  • codecept run acceptance MyCest:myTestInIt: run one test from a Cest
  • codecept run acceptance MyCest:myTestInIt#1: run one example or data provider item by number
  • codecept run acceptance MyCest:myTestInIt#1-3: run a range of examples or data provider items
  • codecept run acceptance MyCest:myTestInIt@name.*: run data provider items with matching names
  • codecept run acceptance checkout.feature: run feature-file
  • codecept run acceptance -g slow: run tests from slow group
  • codecept run unit,functional: run only unit and functional suites

Verbosity modes:

  • codecept run -v:
  • codecept run --steps: print step-by-step execution
  • codecept run -vv: print steps and debug information
  • codecept run --debug: alias for -vv
  • codecept run -vvv: print Codeception-internal debug information

Load config:

  • codecept run -c path/to/another/config: from another dir
  • codecept run -c another_config.yml: from another config file

Override config values:

  • codecept run -o "settings: shuffle: true": enable shuffle
  • codecept run -o "settings: lint: false": disable linting

Run with specific extension

  • codecept run --ext Recorder run with Recorder extension enabled
  • codecept run --ext DotReporter run with DotReporter printer
  • codecept run --ext "My\Custom\Extension" run with an extension loaded by class name

Full reference:

 suite                 suite to be tested
 test                  test to be run

 -o, --override=OVERRIDE Override config values (multiple values allowed)
 --config (-c)          Use custom path for config
 --report               Show output in compact style
 --html                 Generate html with results (default: "report.html")
 --xml                  Generate JUnit XML Log (default: "report.xml")
 --phpunit-xml          Generate PhpUnit XML Log (default: "phpunit-report.xml")
 --no-redirect          Do not redirect to Composer-installed version in vendor/codeception
 --colors               Use colors in output
 --no-colors            Force no colors in output (useful to override config file)
 --silent               Only outputs suite names and final results. Almost the same as `--quiet`
 --steps                Show steps in output
 --debug (-d)           Alias for `-vv`
 --bootstrap            Execute bootstrap script before the test
 --coverage             Run with code coverage (default: "coverage.serialized")
 --disable-coverage-php Don't generate CodeCoverage report in raw PHP serialized format
 --coverage-html        Generate CodeCoverage HTML report in path (default: "coverage")
 --coverage-xml         Generate CodeCoverage XML report in file (default: "coverage.xml")
 --coverage-text        Generate CodeCoverage text report in file (default: "coverage.txt")
 --coverage-phpunit     Generate CodeCoverage PHPUnit report in file (default: "coverage-phpunit")
 --coverage-cobertura   Generate CodeCoverage Cobertura report in file (default: "coverage-cobertura")
 --no-exit              Don't finish with exit code
 --group (-g)           Groups of tests to be executed (multiple values allowed)
 --skip (-s)            Skip selected suites (multiple values allowed)
 --skip-group (-x)      Skip selected groups (multiple values allowed)
 --env                  Run tests in selected environments. (multiple values allowed, environments can be merged with ',')
 --fail-fast (-f)       Stop after nth failure (defaults to 1)
 --no-rebuild           Do not rebuild actor classes on start
 --help (-h)            Display this help message.
 --quiet (-q)           Do not output any message. Almost the same as `--silent`
 --verbose (-v|vv|vvv)  Increase the verbosity of messages: `v` for normal output, `vv` for steps and debug, `vvv` for Codeception-internal debug
 --version (-V)         Display this application version.
 --ansi                 Force ANSI output.
 --no-ansi              Disable ANSI output.
 --no-interaction (-n)  Do not ask any interactive question.
 --seed                 Use the given seed for shuffling tests



Generates StepObject class. You will be asked for steps you want to implement.

  • codecept g:stepobject acceptance AdminSteps
  • codecept g:stepobject acceptance UserSteps --silent - skip action questions


Generates Snapshot. Snapshot can be used to test dynamical data. If suite name is provided, an actor class will be included into placeholder

  • codecept g:snapshot UserEmails
  • codecept g:snapshot Products
  • codecept g:snapshot acceptance UserEmails


Generates user-friendly text scenarios from scenario-driven tests (Cest).

  • codecept g:scenarios acceptance - for all acceptance tests
  • codecept g:scenarios acceptance --format html - in html format
  • codecept g:scenarios acceptance --path doc - generate scenarios to doc dir


Generates PageObject. Can be generated either globally, or just for one suite. If PageObject is generated globally it will act as UIMap, without any logic in it.

  • codecept g:page Login
  • codecept g:page Registration
  • codecept g:page acceptance Login


Validates and prints Codeception config. Use it do debug Yaml configs

Check config:

  • codecept config: check global config
  • codecept config unit: check suite config

Load config:

  • codecept config:validate -c path/to/another/config: from another dir
  • codecept config:validate -c another_config.yml: from another config file

Check overriding config values (like in run command)

  • codecept config:validate -o "settings: shuffle: true": enable shuffle
  • codecept config:validate -o "settings: lint: false": disable linting
  • codecept config:validate -o "reporters: report: \Custom\Reporter" --report: use custom reporter


Creates empty Helper class.

  • codecept g:helper MyHelper
  • codecept g:helper "My\Helper"


Creates default config, tests directory and sample suites for current project. Use this command to start building a test suite.

By default, it will create 3 suites Acceptance, Functional, and Unit.

  • codecept bootstrap - creates tests dir and codeception.yml in current dir.
  • codecept bootstrap --empty - creates tests dir without suites
  • codecept bootstrap --namespace Frontend - creates tests, and use Frontend namespace for actor classes and helpers.
  • codecept bootstrap --actor Wizard - sets actor as Wizard, to have TestWizard actor in tests.
  • codecept bootstrap path/to/the/project - provide different path to a project, where tests should be placed


Generates empty environment configuration file into envs dir:

  • codecept g:env firefox

Required to have envs path to be specified in codeception.yml


Try to execute test commands in run-time. You may try commands before writing the test.

  • codecept console acceptance - starts acceptance suite environment. If you use WebDriver you can manipulate browser with Codeception commands.


Create new test suite. Requires suite name and actor name

  • ``
  • codecept g:suite api -> api + ApiTester
  • codecept g:suite integration Code -> integration + CodeTester
  • codecept g:suite frontend Front -> frontend + FrontTester


Generates Actor classes (initially Guy classes) from suite configs. Starting from Codeception 2.0 actor classes are auto-generated. Use this command to generate them manually.

  • codecept build
  • codecept build path/to/project


Recursively cleans output directory and generated code.

  • codecept clean


Generates code snippets for matched feature files in a suite. Code snippets are expected to be implemented in Actor or PageObjects


  • codecept gherkin:snippets acceptance - snippets from all feature of acceptance tests
  • codecept gherkin:snippets acceptance/feature/users - snippets from feature/users dir of acceptance tests
  • codecept gherkin:snippets acceptance user_account.feature - snippets from a single feature file
  • codecept gherkin:snippets acceptance/feature/users/user_accout.feature - snippets from feature file in a dir


Generates Feature file (in Gherkin):

  • codecept generate:feature suite Login
  • codecept g:feature suite subdir/subdir/login.feature
  • codecept g:feature suite login.feature -c path/to/project
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