

Writing a test is always the process of learning the code and the application. It is ok, if a test can’t be written from scratch or you don’t understand the effects of the code. By looking into the following debugging practices you will learn how to get all required information inside a test to finish it.

Re-Running Failed Tests

Codeception saves the list of failed tests. To re-run failed test run tests from failed group:

php vendor/bin/codecept run -g failed

If no tests have failed this group will be empty.


Codeception provides codecept_debug function to print a debug output when running test. Think of it as var_dump but for testing:


Unlinke var_dump, the output will be printed to screen only if tests are executed with --debug flag.

php vendor/bin/codecept run --debug

So it is safe to keep codecept_debug inside a test, it won’t affect the code running on Continuous Integration server.

codecept_debug can be used in any place of your tests, but it is prohibited to use it in application code. This function is loaded only by Codeception, so the application may be broken trying to call this line.

Inside a Helper you can use analogs of this function to provide a debug output for a complex action.

// print variable from helper

// print variable with a short comment
$this->debugSection('Response', $response);

Codeception Modules use debug output to give more information to user about the data used by a test. For instance, in debug mode you can see request and responses body when testing REST API.


When running acceptance or functional test it might be needed to pause execution at one point to figure out what to do next. For instance, when interacting with a page in a web browser, you might need the execution to be paused to interact with elements on a page, discover proper locators, and next steps for the scenario. That’s why Codeception has an interactive pause mode (powered by PsySH) which can be started by codecept_pause function or $I->pause().

Writing a new acceptance from scratch can be more convenient if you hold a browser window open. It is recommended to start writing a new acceptance test with these two commands:


Interactive pause is launched only when --debug option is enabled:

php vendor/bin/codecept run --debug

To launch interactive pause in a context when the $I object is not available, use codecept_pause function instead. To inspect local variables pass them into interactive shell using an array:

$I->pause(['user' => $user])
// or
codecept_pause(['user' => $user]);
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